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This website is maintained by the HRSA Grant Integration Specialist and acts as a resource for the general public; St. John Fisher University students and faculty in nursing and mental health counseling; as well as clinical supervisors and preceptors in those disciplines.

Funding provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

Grant Team

Grant Team

Robert Rice

Associate Professor

Kathleen Plum


Grant Director​

Gail Begley

MA, CPRP, CASAC 2, LMHC     Grant Coordinator    

Integrated Health 

Council of Directors

Council of Directors

Chuck Montante, MS, Westfall Associates, Chair

Christopher Bell, MBA, Monroe County Medical Society

Todd Butler, Causewave Community Partners

Alexandra Danforth, PharmD, Trillium Health

Jennifer Faringer, MS, NCADD-RA

Nathan Franus, Finger Lakes Performing Providers System


Jennifer Funderburk, Director, Integrated Health Program, Syracuse VA, and Consultant, WNY VA programs

Ann Griepp, MD, Excellus


Bryan Harrison, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

Charles Morgan, MD, NYS OASAS

Cheryl Martin, MS, RN, CCSI

David Putney, MS, Monroe County

Kelly Reed, Huther Doyle

Kristin Reindel, Pharmacy student, St. John Fisher College

George Roets, MS, RN, Yates County

Jason Smith, PharmD, University of Rochester Medical Center

Laura Stradley, Monroe County Veteran Affairs Agency

Marty Teller, FLACRA

Melissa Wendland, Common Ground Health


Lora Winghart, Easter Seals

Mary Zelazny, Finger Lakes Community Health

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